
Virtual board meetings can be a great tool for nonprofits to maximize the efficiency, effectiveness, and participation of board members who aren’t able to attend in person. But, just like regular board meetings conducting effective virtual meetings requires planning and preparation. This article will offer tips and tricks that will help non-profit organizations run their virtual meetings efficiently.

The best way to ensure effective virtual meetings is to start with a clear and dynamic agenda that keeps meeting subjects focused and on topic. It is also an ideal idea to set deadlines for each item of the agenda, as this can help keep discussions short and focused.

Another suggestion is using video conferencing software for virtual meetings as often as is feasible. Research has shown that participants are more engaged in online conversations when they are able to meet face-to-face, and this can lead to stronger connections. Additionally, it can make participants more aware of non-verbal signals to signal frustration, disapproval or boredom.

It’s essential to establish clear guidelines for the use of a camera and mute when conducting virtual meetings. For instance, it’s polite to mute the microphone if someone else is speaking so that background noise is kept to a minimum. It’s also helpful to remind the participants to raise their hands if they have any concerns or questions and wait until they are called upon.

Finally, it’s important to have a backup plan in case of technical issues that could arise during the course of a meeting. This could include appointing a person to resolve any issues that might arise, as well as having an established procedure for attendees when they need leave the meeting.

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